Member Organisations
Member organisations
Our member organisations consist of a large part of the Swedish labor movement, such as unions, popular movements, the social democratic party and its affiliates.
Swedish Social Democratic Party

Swedish Trade Union Confederation

Workers’ Educational Association

Social Democratic Youth of Sweden

National Federation of Social Democratic Women in Sweden

Social Democratic Students of Sweden

The Swedish federation for LGBTQ+ Social Democrats

Religious Social Democrats of Sweden

Swedish Union of Tenants

The National Federation of People´s Parks and Community Centres

Swedish Municipal Workers’ Union

Union of Commercial Employees

The Union of Service and Communications Employees

Swedish Building Workers´ Union

Swedish Food Workers Union

Industrial and Metal Workers Union

Swedish Transport Workers Union

Swedish Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union

Swedish Building Maintenance Workers Union

Swedish Electricians Union

Graphics, Forestry and Woodworkers Union

Swedish Musicians Union

Swedish Paper Workers Union

Swedish Young Falcons

Workers’ Temperance Society