Member organizations
Association of the Labour Movement’s Colleges (Föreningen Arbetarrörelsens folkhögskolor)
A coalition of 17 Labour Movement Colleges.
The Association’s Facebook Page
Graphics, Forestry and Woodworkers Union (GS-facket)
GS organises workers in the forestry, woodworking and graphic industries. The most important task for GS is to defend its members’ rights at the workplace, with the broader aim to help improve its members’ life as a whole. Therefore GS actively work to influence political decisions that have bearing on the everyday life of members, for instance health care, schools and housing policies.
Industrial and Metal Workers Union (IF Metall)
IF Metall works in the interests of its members and in support of a democratic and equal society where everyone must have the right to a decent and secure job. All members of IF Metal are valued equally – irrespective of age, gender, origin, or sexual orientation.
National Federation of Social Democratic Women in Sweden (S-kvinnor)
S-kvinnor is a feminist organisation who place the class struggle side by side with the struggle for increased gender equality. S-kvinnor fight for increased gender equality in society and within the Social Democratic Party.
Religious Social Democrats of Sweden (Tro och Solidaritet)
Tro och Solidaritet organise Swedish Social Democrats who want to reconcile their religious faith with political commitment. Religious Social Democrats of Sweden want to be in the breach between faith and politics, as an integral part of the labor movement and the Social Democratic Party, but also rooted in the transnational ecumenical movement.
Social Democratic Students of Sweden (S-studenter)
S-studenter brings together students at higher education within the Swedish Socialdemocratic Party. S-studenter focus on questions connected to higher education but also organise seminars and debates on various topics such as: international affairs, gender equality, discrimination and equality in the labour market.
Social Democratic Youth of Sweden (SSU)
SSU believes that one of the best tools for successfully establishing equality is the general welfare model, where everyone gives according to their ability and receives according to their need, whatever the size of their wallet. The SSU also believes in prioritising full employment as a way to create liberation and equal opportunities.
Swedish Building Maintenance Workers Union (Fastighetsanställdas förbund)
Fastighets organise building maintenance workers employed by private, municipal and co-operative property owners, cleaners in cleaning companies, window cleaners etc. Fastighets works to protect members’ interests in the workplace and the rest of the labor market, to work for a democratic and socialist community based on democratic socialism and equality regarding to class, gender and ethnicity.
Swedish Building Workers´ Union (Byggnads)
Byggnads is the trade union for all construction workers in Sweden. Approximately 80% of the people working on building sites in Sweden are members of Byggnads. The aim of Byggnads is to protect members’ interests in the labour market and in society at large, and to work towards a society based on political, social and economic democracy.
Swedish Electricians Union (Elektrikerna)
Electrikerna organises electricians in light and heavy installations, as well as radio, TV and electronics technicians and power station staff. The union’s mission is to protect members’ interests to create the best possible conditions in the workplace and in society, and to promote a society based on political, social and economic democracy.
Swedish Food Workers Union (Livsmedelsarbetarförbundet)
Livs organises workers throughout the Swedish food industry. The task of Livs is to promote justice, equality and improved conditions for its members, both at work and in a society marked by rapid changes and globalization. Livs wants the food to be produced under good working conditions by companies treating and paying their employees well.
Swedish Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union (HRF)
HRF organises workers in the hospitality industry. HRF focus on members’ wages, working conditions and working hours. HRF also work with advocacy to influence politics to make the lives of the members better.
Swedish Municipal Workers’ Union (Kommunal)
Kommunal is Sweden’s largest trade union and eight out of ten members are women. Kommunal organises workers within the care of the elderly, child care, health care, bus services, roads, parks, refuse collection and agriculture. Kommunal are in the local authority sector, that is county councils, municipalities, municipal companies, co-operatives, private companies and the Church of Sweden.
Swedish Musicians Union (Musikerförbundet)
Musikerförbundet organises professional musicians and artists, and works to improve the copyright and the members’ interests in the labor market and thereby and otherwise promote a community on the basis of cultural, political, social and economic democracy.
Swedish Painters Union (Målareförbundet)
Svenska Målareförbundet organises professional painters, car sprayers and industrial painters in Sweden, and strive to ensure that the conditions of its members are as good as possible – good wages, good working conditions and a good working environment. Svenska Målareförbundet also strive to ensure that its members’ lives outside the workplace are improved by working with issues that have an impact on the whole of society.
Swedish Paper Workers Union (Pappers)
Pappers organises all blue-collar workers within the Pulp and Paper Industry. The level of organisation is just below 99 percent. Pappers work to protect members’ interests in the workplace and in the labor market, but also to work for a democratic and socialist community based on political, social, cultural and economic democracy.
Swedish Social Democratic Party (Socialdemokraterna)
Socialdemokraterna is the largest political party in Sweden. Being a member of the Social Democratic Party means standing for and creating a society based on our values, which are that all human beings are born equal. Since its founding Sociademokraterna has maintained close cooperation with the Swedish blue-collar trade union confederation, LO.
Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO)
LO is the central organisation for 14 affiliates which organise workers within both the private and the public sectors. The 14 affiliates of LO have independent status, and LO is primarily an organisation for co-ordination, research, signing labour market insurance schemes and creating public opinion at central and regional levels.
Swedish Transport Workers Union (Svenska Transportarbetareförbundet)
Transport organises workers in lorries and trucking, warehouses, security, flight maintenance, newspaper distribution, waste and recycling, taxi, gas stations, petrol handling, tire shops and more. Transport work in the interests of its members in the labor market and for political, social and economic democracy.
Swedish Union of Tenants (Hyresgästföreningen)
Hyresgästföreningen work to make sure everyone has the right to good housing at affordable cost and promote better housing for the tenants of today and tomorrow.
Swedish Young Falcons (Unga Örnar)
Unga Örnar is an organization for children and youth within the Swedish Labour Movement. Unga Örnar provides opportunities to learn how democracy works through activities that are both fun and meaningful. Children build and practice their democratic skills by participating in the decision making process, gradually taking on more and more responsibilities.
The National Federation of People´s Parks and Community Centres (Folkets Hus och Parker)
Folkets Hus och Parker believes that a place open for everyone helps to raise understanding of each other and our community. A place where, in many aspects marginalised groups, such as immigrants, women and unemployed can find support and together work for a better future. Therefore, in the long run, these meeting places strengthen democracy.
The Swedish federation for LGBT Social Democrats (HBT Socialdemokraterna Sverige)
LGBT-Social Democrats Sweden works for LGBT-rights in all areas in the society and within the Social Democratic Party, so that they are recognized as human rights.
The Union of Service and Communications Employees (SEKO)
SEKO organises workers within rail transportation, public administration, postal, roads & railways, telecom, correctional treatment, energy, defense and maritime. SEKO works to strengthen the position of its members in the workplace and on the labour market, with greater equality on the basis of political, social, cultural and economic democracy.
Union of Commercial Employees (Handelsanställdas förbund)
Handels is Sweden’s third-largest blue-collar union. More than 70 percent of the members are women. Handels organises workers in the retail sector, but also groups such as florists, hairdressers, storage and warehouse personnel, opticians, watchmakers, office staff and students in vocational training. Handels aim is fair pay, and a key objective is the eradication of differences between men’s and women’s salaries.
Workers’ Educational Association (ABF)
ABF is Sweden’s largest adult education association. Everyone should have the opportunity to gain the knowledge to influence their own situation, and to be able to influence local and global developments. The ABF is a politically independent organisation, but we share the values of the labour movement.
Workers’ Temperance Society (Verdandi)
Verdandi is a Swedish workers’ organisation striving for social justice and a society free from alcohol-related injuries. Verdandi focus on analysing the development of society through the experiences and voices of those who are not heard otherwise.