For all partners
Annual work plan CSO (Word) – The Annual Work Plan and Budget for the coming year should be submitted on February 1st together with the Annual Report. Note that if you have a balance from the previous year and would like to carry over that balance to the next year, make sure to include the balance in the budget and the plans for it in the work plan. The Palme Center will have to approve the carrying over of balance and it can only be done within the agreement period.
Budget template for direct partners (Excel) This template is to be used for budget application, budget updates/revisions and in case of a new agreement with the Palme Center.
For support to Civil-Society Organisations (CSO)
You are welcome to submit your Concept Note for the participation in the upcoming CSO programme for the years 2025-2029 before 1st of December 2023. Fill in your concept note in the digital forms, see links below (per region/theme).
Please find the instructions here:
Download the Organisational description for partnership template and the International Strategy:
Link to concept note forms for the various regions:
For support to Party-Affiliated Organisations (PAO)
Contact Sanna Eliasson at for more information.
In order to make a pre-study for a collaboration project
Contact the Programme Manager working with your region or thematic area for more information and to get an application form.
Request for funds and agreement
Request for funds
Request for funds (Excel) This template is used when you request funds for the first (1) and second (2) tranche. The requested amount should be in accordance with the budget approved by the Palme Center.
For further information regarding the cooperation agreement between your organisation and the Swedish partner organisation, contact your Programme Manager.
Narrative reporting
For Civil-Society Organisations (CSO)
Narrative report template (Word) – In this report, you describe changes and results (or lack of them) as well as how the project or operations have contributed to that change. Please use and relate to your programme log frame (below). Describe any changes in your strategies, methods and activities and why you made them.
Appendices: Programme log frames
- Log frame, Southern Africa
- Log frame, Western Balkan
- Log frame, Trade Union
- Log frame, MENA
- The log frames for Eastern Europe and Asia are not public documents. Contact us if you want access.
For Party-Affiliated Organisations (PAO)
Narrative report template (Word) – Final report for PAO partners 2019-2022. In this report, you describe changes and results as well as how the project or operations have contributed to that change. Describe any changes in your strategies, methods and activities and why you made them.
For partners within bilateral agreements
The narrative report template will be available soon.
Financial reporting
The following templates and instructions are the same for all partners to the Olof Palme International Center, if not stated otherwise.Midyear reporting
- Midyear expenditure report (Excel) This template is a summary of expenses from the beginning of the year up to a certain cut-off deadline, for example from January 1st to June 30th. This needs to be filled out and attached to the second request for funds.
- Pre-audit template for auditors (Word)
Yearly reporting
- Accumulative budget and expenditure specification for partners.
- Accumulative budget and expenditure specification for Swedish partners in PAO projects.
- (Excel) This template is a summary of expenses for the whole year. For example from January 1st to December 31st. The document should be submitted together with the audited annual financial report.
- The Olof Palmes Internationella Center’s Audit Instructions for Partner and Member organisations (PDF)
- Olof Palmes Internationella Center’s Financial Instructions (PDF) Guidelines/instructions on financial reporting.
- Procurement guidelines (PDF)
- Transfer of assets (Excel)
Special instructions for reporting in No Admin projects (PuA)
Instruction for utilisation and reporting of No Admin projects within the CSO Agreement (PDF) – An outline of what a “No Admin project” entails for your Swedish partner organisation. Who pays which costs in the project, and how should the costs be reported?
Send your reports to... Please write “Report 2023, Project number” in the subject line. In case of confidential projects, please contact your Programme Manager to decide how to send in the reports in a secure manner.